9.23.Fri Cycling

Hi guys!

We did cycling today.
My bicycle broke down before leaving the house.
I supplemented air, but air came out of the hole when I ride a bicycle.
I thought that I was totally like the one scene of the night museum of the movie.
I laughed small alone.LOL
Because I could not repair it, I borrowed the bicycle of the boyfriend.
I was  losing motivation.  
oh no・・・・○| ̄|___

It arrived at the destination. 
She was in high spirits.
Who thinks that she is injured after that? 

she failed in the landing to a block, and she slid down.

A camera was broken by a shock when she slid down. 
However, the camera was recovered.
We were really pleased.

The store of the lovely building was found. 

Cafe and ber

Gateau Chocolate of the green tea


I went to the dinner with the boyfriend. 

And I went also to the bar. 
The violin had decorated there, I borrowed from the master. 
What music do you want to listen to?


I touched a violin for the first time.LOL
